Small Building Works Services Contract Win Worth €700K
In a competitive endeavour that underscores the art of strategic bidding, the National University of Ireland, Galway, embarked on a mission to establish a comprehensive framework agreement for a Small Building Works Contract. With a contract value ranging from €10k to €50k, this was a noteworthy opportunity that attracted the expertise of Bid Specialists.
Winning Tender: €700K Small Building Works Services Contract.

The contract consists of the following construction works:
-Small office refurbishment work.
-Small Laboratory refurbishment works.
-Repairs and small Re-roofing projects.
-Internal and external building fabric works/repairs.
-Fire safety improvement works.
-Demolition works.
-General building works.
-Extensions and alterations to existing structures & infrastructure.
-Works to protect the structure.
-Provision and erection of internal signage.
-Works to the façade of an existing building.
Bid Specialists completed the tender response end-to-end. We qualified, planned, strategised and wrote the entire response. We crafted a compelling response to outscore the competition.
Bid Specialists' skills:
-Qualification strategy
-Win strategy (needs, differentiators & discriminators)
-Commercial strategy
-Team planning & management
-Content copywriting & editing
-Content graphic design & document branding
CPV Codes:
34928470-3 Signage
45000000-7 Construction work
45112700-2 Landscaping work
45232000-2 Ancillary works for pipelines and cables
45232100-3 Ancillary works for water pipelines
45232411-6 Foul-water piping construction work
45232450-1 Drainage construction works
45232451-8 Drainage and surface works
45232452-5 Drainage works
45232453-2 Drains construction work
45233160-8 Paths and other metalled surfaces
45340000-2 Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work